A Dictionary Story Book

A Dictionary Story Book

Orig­i­nal­ly writ­ten in 2001.

A Dic­tio­nary Sto­ry is a re-imag­ined ver­sion of the dic­tio­nary as con­crete poem.

At The Nation­al Poet­ry Library we have engaged groups of teenagers and adults alike in mass read­ings of the book… A Dic­tio­nary Sto­ry has been exhib­it­ed, dis­played and per­formed many times at the library and has become a kind of core cre­ative text of visu­al experimentation.”

Chris McCabe

A Dic­tio­nary Sto­ry is a fairy tale as con­crete poem, a typo­graph­i­cal romance, filled with wit and tenderness.”

Mari­na Warner

Pro­duced in mul­ti­ple editions:

Lim­it­ed edi­tion print of 100 pub­lished by Cir­cle Press in 2006

First trade edi­tion pub­lished by Arc Artist Edi­tions in 2009

Sec­ond trade edi­tion pub­lished by Arc Artist Edi­tions in 2013.