A New Dictionary Story Print

A New Dictionary Story Print

Let­ter­press Dic­tio­nary Sto­ry 2020 

Dic­tio­nary Sto­ry is a tale that cel­e­brates the cre­ative poten­tial of the world’s most famous ref­er­ence book. It is a sto­ry in which def­i­n­i­tions from the dic­tio­nary come to life and meet. 

The sto­ry is told and illus­trat­ed by using over 230 of the dic­tio­nary’s own def­i­n­i­tions. For the new 20th anniver­sary print, the sto­ry was com­plete­ly rewrit­ten and redrawn and print­ed at Nomad Letterpress.

Edi­tion: 190
Size: 560750mm
Print: Let­ter­press
Pub­lish­er: Arc Artist Editions
